The Metal Element – is the time to move forward with Strength, Courage, Clarity and Purpose and transform Sadness, Grief & Anxiety into Universal Loving Kindness.
Empowerment of your immune system with 12 Directions Qigong.
Element – Metal
Organs – Lungs & Large Intestine
It is the time to move forward with Strength, Clarity and Purpose and overcome Sadness, Grief & Anxiety.
We are at the phase of Autumn.
Send loving kindness to your Lungs, Large Intestine and all your internal organs.
If your lungs feel the cold energy invading maybe you could:
Practice Lungs Qigong
Take a hot bath
Practice sitting meditation
Rest in natural great peace letting your energies re-balance internally.
Practicing 12 Directions Qigong will boost your Immune System and is an energetic protection against the influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season.
The organs associated with Autumn & the Metal Element are the Lungs & Large Intestine.
Master your Energy
Celebrate Pure Nature Energy and the perfect balance of YinYang, of day and night with this graceful simple balancing sequence.
Connect to your True Nature, which is Bliss and Inner Joy. This is not as easy as it sounds and will take Great Courage, Effort and Dedication to your Qigong practice.
Qi = Chi = Vital Life Force Energy
Gong = Kung = Work or dedicated practice
Step out of your cage and connect to Your Higher Self whilst being firmly rooted to Mother Earth

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