Earth is that which gives birth to the ten thousand things and is modelled on Heaven and Earth.
As Above, So Below.

The Energy of Late Summer corresponds to the Nurturing Earth Element; this is when Summer, with its extreme Yang energy, powerful brilliance and heat, yields and softens to the beginning of Autumn, when the cooler Yin energy creeps in.
Our advice for this time of the year, and throughout the entire year, is to cultivate and nourish a strong rooted foundational support system, through qigong movement, intention and visualisation. We can then attain a clear vision and alignment to our Highest Self.
The Late Summer’s element is Earth, the colour is yellow. It is that which holds, contains and supports everything in balance. In our Energetic body it is the Mooladhara Chakra or Root Stability and Support Energy Centre. At this time of the year, it is easier to see the working of the Earth element, which is always there in the background.
In our physical body the Spleen, Pancreas and Stomach are the organs of the Earth Element. They transform everything that we eat and drink into chi and blood. The spleen is also responsible for clarity of thought and our ability to concentrate.
The emotional energy associated with the Earth element can be anxiety, neediness and worry caused by over-thinking. We can counter this form of imbalance by developing courage, confidence, trust, fairness, openness and acceptance by strengthening and harmonizing our Physical & Spiritual Energies with those of Heaven and Earth.
“Be More Alive! Become Grounded, Centred & Balanced with Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, Meditation & Practice, Practice Practice.
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