Universal Energy Arts Academy
Take Time Out / Retreat / Detox / Spring Clean / Build More Energy – Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually and Energetically
The Yin of Winter is followed by the Yang of Spring. Spring is a time for new, rising energy, a time of opening, when mother earth begins to sprout and grow sending out shoots and buds. Spring is a time for New and Rising Energy from a Strong Root System
It is the time to work on our foundation & to cultivate our vision. Spring is the time to Be More Alive!
Organs – Liver (The Planner – associated with vision and planning ) & Gall Bladder (The Wise Decision Maker – associated with direction and decision )
Transform Anger into Universal Loving Kindness & Timidity into Courage with the Healing Sound for the Liver
The Element is Wood
We can use our Tai Chi Form and our “Standing Like a Tree” Qigong to build strong roots, stability, support, strength & steadiness
Springtime is a great time to spring-clean our environment – body, mind, emotions and energy. Spring is all about moving out of the stillness of Winter, becoming more alive, active, energetic, playful, creative, spontaneous and motivated.
Springtime is the time of Elemental Wood Energy – Associated organs are the Liver which controls the eyes, sight and sees the whole picture 👀 and the Gallbladder which helps to make decisions and gives direction. The primary emotional assault to the Liver comes in the form of uncontrollable or repressed anger. Anger tends to rise like the energy of new life in springtime bursting upwards towards the sky. Anger mimics the qualities of its corresponding Wood element in its expansive, quick, passionate, and ascendent nature. Anger is not the only emotion tied to the Liver. An array of related emotions are associated with the assorted patterns of Liver disharmony. Anger is often the eventuality of persistent frustration, the sister of irritability. These feelings arise when our boundaries are weak, or we feel helpless or blocked in the process and pursuit of manifesting our dreams and desires. When met with curiosity and patience, anger becomes a powerful cornerstone of human kindness. It can give us the momentum we need to grow and change in the direction of our destiny.
Spring is in the air, the evenings are lengthening, leaves are slowly beginning to open and Mother Nature will soon again become all shades of vibrant green 💚
Spring is the time to Be More Alive!

It is a Great Grand Ultimate time to venture outside and practice our Universal Energy Arts.
Take Time Out / Retreat / Detox / Spring Clean / Build More Energy – Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually and Energetically
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